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SOA Qualification certification for the entitlement to carry out public works
CQOP, leader in the Certification sector in Italy
CQOP SOA performs the verification of the general and technical-economic requirements that allow companies to obtain the SOA certification necessary to participate in tenders and the execution of public works for amounts exceeding 150,000 euros. In 2000 CQOP SOA obtained the authorization from the Supervisory Authority for the exercise of the certification activity and immediately became a leader in the qualification of companies, and has maintained the national primacy up to now.
CQOP SOA has signed the civil liability insurance policy provided for by the law, to guarantee coverage of the risk assumed for an average annual amount of approximately 100 million euros.
CQOP SOA complies with the evolution of the standard and indications of the ANAC by periodically organizing training and information courses for its staff
National association, founded by CQOP SOA in 2015, among the leading SOAs with the aim of improving the qualification sector in an efficient and transparent way.