How is the three-year verification obtained?

Three-year verification
Art. 17 of Annex II.12 to Legislative Decree 36/2023

Within the third year from the date of issue of the certificate, it is necessary for the companies to demonstrate the maintenance of the general requirements and structural capacity, through a three-year verification (also called “revision“). In the period between 90 days before and the three-year expiry date, the company is required to request the SOA that issued the original certification to verify that the certification requirements have been maintained.


General requirements
Art. 17 paragraph 5 of Annex II.12 to Legislative Decree 36/2023

  • Suitable bank references;
  • Positive Net Equity, in the case of joint stock companies;
  • Suitable technical direction;
  • Technical staff, in case of certification for “Design and construction performance”;
  • Adequate technical equipment;
  • Adequate average annual staff.

Quality certification

  • To obtain the qualification in the rankings equal to or higher than III -Euro 1,033,000.00, companies must possess the certification of the corporate quality system.

The requirements of the works carried out and of the peak season works are not verified during the three-year verification period.